"Self discipline opens the door of success".


Self Discipline literally means "the ability to control oneself”. It teaches a person how to work hard and overcome problems or difficulties that come as obstacles in a person's life and stop or harass them from achieving their goals or success.


By self disciplining yourself, one can reach any goal in life. Self Discipline is the first step to success.

To attain self Discipline:

1) One must leave his or her comfort zone and do something new or a little tougher task. It enhances one's confidence and creativity   helps in attaining Self Discipline.


2) If  you want to attain Self Discipline in life, make a timetable, and stick to it. You must adhere to it until you have not completed it. It helps you to reach your goals according to your wish.

If you have attained Self Discipline in life after deciding your goals and plans, no one can stop you from achieving your goals and success.

Source: Vaishnavi diary.



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